Monday, April 19, 2010

Seth Update: A Persevering Pattern

I realize that it has been awhile since the last Seth update, so here is the latest.

There has not been any significant improvement to speak of since the last update. Seth continues to be able to flex his hip and thigh muscles, though he still is unable to feel this flexing. We are in what I would call a "persevering pattern:" where we just keep doing the home exercises designed by Project Walk and keep praying for healing. When he is finally able to do some kind of movement on his own power, we will then return to Project Walk for further evaluation and adjustment of the exercise program.
Of course, Seth's attitude is great. He stills sees all this a great adventure. There are times he gets very frustrated, but though these are intense, they are few.

We are about to acquire a Total Gym exercise system (something like what you see on TV, but a much more expensive model made for rehabilitation), which will greatly expand and improve our ability to work on leg movements. A local church is adding another $1000 to the Seth Fund at River of Life Ministries, so that will help a lot in covering the purchase.

Keep on praying for healing, and keep on praying for significant improvement while doing the exercises. We have given some thought about moving closer to a Project Walk Recovery Center, but there are a whole host of difficulties in doing this, as you might expect. Just keep praying that we will make the best decisions and have the resources needed for giving Seth the best opportunity to recover.


Will and Jacquelyn Jackson

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