Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quick-eyed Love

This is a homily I shared at a Maundy Thursday celebration at River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Come Rest Ministries (a validated mission of River of Life that emphasizes the love of God in Christ, healing, spiritual direction, and social outreach) provided the leadership for this service, and I was honored to be invited by Come Rest director, Richard Speight, to speak on the Great Command of Jesus: that we love one another as Jesus has loved us.

I am posting this primarily for those pastor search committees who desire to see a video of me "preaching." While this gives some idea of my preaching style, it is important to remember that the setting is more meditative and subdued than perhaps most Sunday services. Regardless, whoever feels impelled for whatever reason to watch me preach may do so here. Blessings!

(And yes, I am aware that I am quite "chubby!")

Part 1 ( Preliminary remarks and first half of "Quick-eyed Love.")

Part 2 (Second half and conclusion of "Quick-eyed Love.")

Part 3 (Repeat of conclusion, communion prayer, and the Bread and Cup)

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