Thursday, May 31, 2012

More Prayers To Fill Space

O Lord of the Resurrection, we have celebrated the wonder of Christ being raised from the dead.  Let us now become the evidence for this truth, that your Holy Spirit may live in us, and that we may continue to do Christ’s work in this world.  May our lives bring glory and honor to you, O God, because of the presence of the risen Christ in us. Amen. 
Lord of life, through your Son’s obedience in dying on the Cross, we have been lifted up to new and everlasting life.  God calls us to proclaim the Good News of the risen Christ, and to invite others to share in the eternal joy of walking and talking with Jesus.  May our lives glorify you forever, and may our hearts always be yours.  In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.
God of all, Christ is our Great Shepherd, for he laid down his life for us, and rescued us from death.  Indeed, he protects us even now as we follow him.  All honor and praise belong to you, our God and Savior, for we are the people you have called, we are the sheep of your pasture.  Feed us now with the knowledge of your Son, so that we may proclaim his name throughout the world, for it is in Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.
Everliving God of all, you reveal your glory in Jesus Christ, and in Him we discover all the wonderful things that are to come.  Your promises give us hope, for your Holy Spirit shows us that your Word is faithful.  Jesus your Son shows us that we can trust you.  As followers of Jesus, may we bring the hope we have been given to a dying and despairing world, for it is through Christ we pray.  Amen.
O wonderful Saviour, it is with the utmost joy that we come before you this day.  We give you all honor and praise, for you are not a God who demands of us great and magnificent deeds to win your approval and favor.  Rather, you are a God who accepts us as we are, is merciful beyond measure toward us, and who delights to give us the gifts of your grace.  You lift us into your presence, where life is new, is full, and is forever.  Amen.
Gracious and Everliving Lord, you have showered us with kindness upon kindness.  In Jesus the Anointed One, you have opened the way for us to live in your presence, not as mere servants but as the very friends of God. Indeed, you lift our hearts when you call us by name, you dispel our fears with your grace, and you stir our souls with your healing love.  We praise you, and with our voices we sing your praises this day forth and forevermore. Amen. 
Gracious Lord of all, we come before you this day in Spirit and in Truth.  You are a holy and awesome God, the very essence of all truth and love.  We are completely unworthy to stand in your presence.  Only through Jesus the Anointed One dare we approach your throne, for he offers us to you as the prize for his sacrifice, the reward for his obedience.  All praise and honor to you, ruler of the universe, for bringing truth and grace together in Christ, whose name we exalt this day.  Amen.
O God, Ruler of the Universe, we give you all praise this day for your Holy Spirit, your life in us, making us new, renewing the world.  You have called us forth from death to life by the power of your Word, and we call upon your name with the breath of your Spirit in us.  You are the Creator who delights in the art of your creation, sculpting us into your image, and you are the Gift-giver who comes into our hearts, making us into the very temple of the Living God.  In the name of the Holy One of Israel, the only true God who is revealed through Jesus Christ as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.  Amen.