Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Still Alive

Yes, I'm still alive.  I just haven't had much to say lately.  However, I thought I would throw in a couple of the prayers I've written lately for the worship services at Calvin Sinclair Presbyterian Church.

O Lord our Lord, we give you praise and honor, for you alone are holy.  We are not worthy to enter into your presence, yet you are most merciful, and overflowing with love for your people.  Weak and frail though we are, you come to us in your Son, Jesus, and you speak to us of your salvation and you embrace us as the children of your grace.  We give you thanks, dear Father, for your great and wonderful kindness toward us.  Amen.

prayer of confession
Most merciful and loving Lord, we confess to you that we have taken your grace for granted, and that we have counted a couple of hours in church as all you should receive from us.  We read the Bible, but do not hear your Word.  We sing the songs, but forget their meaning.  We claim the Name, but our hearts are far from you.  Forgive us, gracious God, and grant that we would be made alive through your Spirit.  Fill us with the joy of your grace, and give us the passion to serve and honor you in every moment of our lives.  In the name of Jesus, who died that we might live, we pray.  Amen.  

Gracious Lord of all, we stand before you in the shining light of your love.  We celebrate your presence with us, for you do not hold us in contempt, nor do you condemn us.  You embrace us through Jesus Christ, and in him we discover that the Creator of the Universe is also our closest friend.  Glory to you, O God!  We praise you, our Lord forever more.  Amen.

prayer of confession
Great God and Creator, you have ripped apart the heavens so that you can walk with us in the world.  Yet, we fail to see you, for we are preoccupied with the shortcomings of those around us.  We complain that you are distant and uncaring, as we struggle with the daily limitations of being human.  Forgive us, gracious Lord, and grant us hearts to see that you are close to us, and give us faith that reveals your amazing glory in the midst of the ordinary.  We ask this in the name of the One who died that we may live, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.  

Staying Alive,